Rigging for Rescue


Rigging for Rescue has multiple, full-time career firefighters as part of our instructor cadre. We know the challenges inherent to the career field as it applies to fire service technical rescue, both in the urban and wilderness settings.

A seminar on contract for your fire department provides for customization of the curriculum specifically to meet your organization’s mission profile.  Rather than deliver a ‘cookie cutter’ program, we will collaborate with your department in curating the seminar content based on:

  • The nature of your missions
  • Available training time
  • Mutual aid considerations
  • And a host of other factors

Has your department discussed moving to 11mm NFPA Technical rope?  Are you interested in debunking the NFPA 15:1 safety factor folklore? What are the key rigging principles for securing an artificial high directional device? What are the capabilities and limitations of dual tension rope systems? We can address these topics & techniques and much more at a customized seminar at your location. 

Fire Fighters who are interested in training with other Fire Department personnel, please consider taking our Rope Rescue l: Fundamentals seminar in Eaton, CO.

Rigging for Rescue’s seminar curriculum includes skills outlined in NFPA 1006-2021 edition, Operations Level for Rope Rescue.  For departments with strong technical rescue backgrounds, we can also fulfill skills outlined in NFPA 1006-2021, edition Technician Level for Rope Rescue Additionally, the seminar content meets and exceeds the ASTM F2954 – Standard Guide for Training for Intermediate Rope Rescuer Endorsement.