Rigging for Rescue

New content in the updated Rigging for Rescue website includes:

-2012 open enrollment calendar for both the Rigging for Rescue and Update and Beyond seminars.
-Information and photos for the 2012 Mountain Rescue Week
-Information about contract testing
-And selected testing videos

Included in the testing videos now available on the website is this favorite, which many may recall from past Rigging for Rescue seminars

About this video:
200kg test mass. Fall factor zero. 10.5mm climbing rope (aka dynamic rope). 30m of rope-in-service using a Tandem Prusik Belay. More than 5m of stop distance. High elongation ropes – like a climbing rope – are not appropriate as rescue belay lines. 

Rigging for Rescue is producing this video for promotional purposes. It is not comprehensive and is not intended to be instructional. Further, Rigging for Rescue reserves all intellectual property associated with this video.